…For more information about interest-based or targeted advertising on your desktop or mobile browser, and to opt out of this type of advertising by third parties that participate in self-regulatory programs, please visit the Network Advertising Initiative website (https://www.networkadvertising.org/understanding-online-advertising/what-are-my-options) and/or the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising website (http://optout.aboutads.info/choices?c=2&lang=EN). To learn more about interest-based advertising in mobile apps and to opt out of this type of advertising by third parties that participate in the DAA’s AppChoices…
…https://youtu.be/jaFf4a7OEB0 Tip #3 – ENG: https://youtu.be/WCwXOYoUZMk ESP: https://youtu.be/IK6eunaHoIY Tip #4 – ENG: https://youtu.be/WHt9HWin8PQ ESP: https://youtu.be/wQcMXqGDVIU Tip #5 – ENG: https://youtu.be/WZlkpN8Xgq4 ESP: https://youtu.be/abMAyTI5zYg Tip #6 – ENG: https://youtu.be/QeOJJjH9F-E ESP: https://youtu.be/HopAK5rsYoo The IRS continues to create outreach materials to address people’s questions about coronavirus-related tax relief and Economic Impact Payments. The IRS is also working to deliver Economic Impact Payments as quickly as possible to all eligible Americans. More than 150 million payments will be sent out, and millions of people…
With every level of membership, NAEA gives you exclusive 24/7 access to valuable features and benefits, including the EA Journal, products, and business discounts that will boost your tax knowledge and make your enrolled agent career soar. If you are a member, please log in to view this page.
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…the site does not recognize your free “Pro” status, contact Verifyle via email at support@verifyle.com. Members must register (create an account) on the Tax Talk Today website, and use the promo code found on the Tax Talk Today member benefit page. All issues accessing content should be directed to Tax Talk Today staff at accounts@taxtalktoday.com. Members must register (create an account) on the Tax Talk Today website, and use the promo code found on the Tax Talk Today member benefit…
…at Work Why You Should Offer an Employee Health and Wellness Plan Guides for EAs & Tax Practitioners 6 Tips for Managing Technostress CPA Practice Advisor Why Mental Health Days Matter — And How to Implement Them AssociationsNOW Ten Resources for Better Living in 2022 (WaPo) How to Avoid Burnout During this Tax Season and Beyond (Thomson Reuters) Healthy Habits, Food & Cooking Best Food Delivery Services in 2022 21 Easy Dinner Recipes for When You Don’t Want to…
…States, one-third of which are association PACs (trade associations and professional societies). PACs play a positive role by getting more people involved in the political process and building relationships with their members of Congress. They are a popular and transparent means of participating in and financing federal elections. PACs continue to be the most widely used way for associations to engage in elections. The NAEA PAC plays an essential role in advocating for our issues at the federal level, working…
…Partner and Sponsorship Programs position your organization at the forefront of the tax profession, creating lasting connections with decision-makers who trust NAEA as their professional resource. Why Partner with NAEA? The NAEA Partner and Sponsorship Programs connect your business with a targeted audience of tax professionals. These programs offer opportunities like event sponsorships, print and digital advertising, and direct outreach to help you build meaningful connections and grow your brand. Enrolled agents play a critical role in the tax industry….
…return preparation profession. Additionally, the proposal would help protect low income, non-English speaking and elderly taxpayers from the unscrupulous and the incompetent. Not only will licensing tax return preparers help close the tax gap, it will help protect sensitive taxpayer information from unscrupulous or careless unlicensed preparers (https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/customers-react-to-tax-documents-with-personalinformation-was-found-in-dumpster). Being able to rescind PTINs, subject to review and appeal, is an effective way of policing bad behavior, since the IRS rarely enforces penalties or brings criminal actions against perennial bad actors…