NAEA President Lonnie Gary, EA, USTCP Sends Letter to IRS Commissioner Koskinen About State of Practitioner Priority Service (PPS) Level and Quality

September 18, 2014, NAEA President Lonnie Gary, EA, USTCP sent IRS Commissioner John Koskinen a letter to update the agency on the present service level and quality of the Practitioner Priority Service (PPS). The letter can be found here….

Treasury Responds to NAEA President Lonnie Gary’s Letter on Quality of PPS Service

October 20, 2014 NAEA President Lonnie Gary, EA received a response from the Department of Treasury regarding a letter that was sent to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen to address the current service level and quality of the Practioner Priority Service (PPS). Interested members are encouraged to read the November 21, 2014 issue of E@lert for NAEA’s observations on the letter.  …

Internal Revenue Service Reform: Recommendations of the National Association of Enrolled Agents

…which is to provide top quality service. To that end, we recommend the following reforms: IRS Oversight, Governance, and Management Reform The Report of the National Commission on Restructuring the IRS (the Commission) in 1997 highlighted an issue that once again plagues the agency: its inability to set and maintain consistent long-term strategy, develop and execute focused plans for improvement, and ensure its budget, staffing, and technology are aligned with organizational success.ii The Commission recommended comprehensive changes to IRS oversight…

Paid Preparers Letter to Secretary Yellen

…return preparation profession. Additionally, the proposal would help protect low income, non-English speaking and elderly taxpayers from the unscrupulous and the incompetent. Not only will licensing tax return preparers help close the tax gap, it will help protect sensitive taxpayer information from unscrupulous or careless unlicensed preparers ( Being able to rescind PTINs, subject to review and appeal, is an effective way of policing bad behavior, since the IRS rarely enforces penalties or brings criminal actions against perennial bad actors…

NAEA President Jim Adelman, EA Sends IRS Reform Recommendations to Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees

…writers and their staffs to help develop important reform legislation over the coming months. A summary of our report is as follows: Congress should reassess and build on the recommendations for IRS governance and management in the Report of the National Commission on Restructuring the IRS by streamlining its membership and selection process; increasing its ability to keep the IRS on track for its strategic planning; ensuring that the IRS is free of any political, religious or racial bias; helping…

NAEA’s Education Foundation

…high schools, two- and four-year colleges, universities, and trade schools. Career Planning. The Foundation is committed to helping expand awareness of the EA career and the pathways to get there. Check the calendar for the next live EA Career Panel where those interested in joining the profession will hear from prospective and current EAs on their journey to becoming an EA and their current perspective now that they are on the other side. Mission Statement NAEA Education Foundation is an…

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