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NAEA Celebrates 50 Years

…before the IRS. 1966 The Treasury Department began using the Enrolled Agent (Enrolled to Practice before the IRS) title for the professionals it licensed.   California Society of Enrolled Agents. (n.d.). The history of enrolled agents and CSEA. History. Retrieved December 15, 2021, from 1972 NAEA was founded as the Association of Enrolled Agents (AEA) in 1972 in Hawthorne, California. Through the pioneering efforts of David Smollan, EA, the Founding Chapter of an organization dedicated to Enrolled Agents was…

Resources and Tips

…your computer audio. Create a learning-conducive environment, eliminating as many distractions as possible. Close out of other tabs and mute notifications, if possible. Prepare your space with anything you may need during the virtual program (appropriate chargers, note-taking materials, water, etc.). Troubleshooting Technical Difficulties The webinar technology runs on higher bandwidth. Please know that some WiFi connections may be spotty. Some networks cause slides to advance more slowly than others. If your slides are behind or you are having audio…

Tax Technology for Today’s Professionals

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NAEA Letter to House Ways and Means Regarding the OIC Provision in SAFETEA

…this taxpayer-hostile provision during conference committee negotiations. Please allow me to start with a brief primer on enrolled agents (EAs). EAs are federally-authorized tax practitioners who have technical expertise in the field of taxation and are licensed by the Treasury Department to represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service for audits, collections, and appeals. The principal concern of NAEA and its members is honest, intelligent, and ethical representation of the financial position of taxpayers before government…