…at a hearing focused on IRS reform. The hearing, “Improving Tax Administration Today,” gave Phyllis the opportunity to speak on behalf of over 55,000 enrolled agents and offer a view from the tax professional community on changes needed at IRS to improve service to all who interact with the agency. Ms. Kubey stressed that IRS reform must be predicated on a stronger customer-service orientation, include necessary congressional funding and oversight, and provide authority to set minimum standards for return preparers….
…at the IRS Nationwide Tax Forum. NAEA represents the interests of some 46,000 enrolled agents across the country. This organization strongly supports Commissioner Shulman’s efforts to set standards for the return preparation industry. We believe these proposed PTIN user fee regulations are both necessary and reasonable and have submitted written comments in that regard. I will limit my comments today to three items—the annual renewal cycle; the size of the user fee; and, the agency’s plans for enforcement and public…
Most Recent House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations Holds Hearing on IRS in the Pandemic October 7, 2020 Uniform Standards for Electronic Signatures April 1, 2020 NAEA Urges the IRS to follow Congresses’ lead on E-Signatures May 31, 2019 NAEA Member Phyllis Jo Kubey, EA, CFP, Testifies Before the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight at a Hearing Focused on IRS Reform July 26, 2018 NAEA Government Relations Committee Chair Jennifer MacMillan, EA, Testifies Before House…