
Advocacy is the heart of NAEA and one of the association’s most valued member benefits by: Shaping improvements in IRS reform and tax administration by demonstrating our policy and tax expertise; Creating awareness of key issues by increasing member engagement, involvement, and recognition; Building coalitions by communicating with other stakeholder organizations; and Building relationships by educating federal and state legislators and regulators. Key Policy Priorities NAEA works to develop policy priorities that reflect the intersection of what EAs are facing…

Schuldiner/Smollan Leadership Academy

…significant gift to NAEA in the name of David Smollan, EA. In keeping with Schuldiner’s desire to strengthen the organization, the board of directors used his bequest to establish the Schuldiner/Smollan Memorial Fund and to launch the Schuldiner/Smollan Leadership Academy. The Leadership Academy trains volunteers for success as leaders of NAEA at the local, state, and national levels. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN THE SSLA PROGRAM? This program is open to any NAEA member who wants to learn more about member…


We Power America’s Tax Experts. The NAEA is the nation’s leading community for tax practitioners – from aspiring enrolled agents to experts with decades of experience. We are advancing the professional tax practice through leadership, management, community, and ethics. Become a member Become a partner Renew your membership Continuing education portal State Chapters Find a Tax Expert Access the best. With thousands of NAEA members across the country, we’ve made it easy to find the tax expert who can help…

Private: NAEA Board of Directors 2023-2024

…Michelle Lonsway, EA Dannie Lynn Murphy, EA John M. Perry III, EA Have a question or comment you would like to share with NAEA’s board of directors? Complete the form below and each member will receive a copy of your message. Contact NAEA Board of Directors Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Are you currently an NAEA member? * Yes No Enter your comments below. * reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ…

Affiliate Presidents’ Exchange Program


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What is an Enrolled Agent?

…Association. The Differences Between Enrolled Agents and Other Tax Professionals Only enrolled agents are required to demonstrate to the IRS their competence in all areas of taxation, representation and ethics before they are awarded unlimited representation rights to represent taxpayers before the IRS. Unlike attorneys and CPAs, who are state-licensed and who may or may not choose to specialize in taxes, all enrolled agents specialize in taxation. Choosing an NAEA Member EA The principal concern of the National Association of…

NAEA Letter Regarding the Absence of Congressional Action on the AMT

November 27, 2007 The Honorable Max Baucus Chairman, Senate Finance Committee 219 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Charles Grassley Ranking Member, Senate Finance Committee 219 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Chairman Baucus and Ranking Member Grassley, As president of the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA), I write on behalf of approximately 40,000 enrolled agents (EAs) nationwide. The purpose of this letter is to share with you our concern about the absence of…