IRS Responds to NAEA Inquiry on EA Logo Use

February 21, 2018 In October 2017, an NAEA member received a visit from a Treasury Inspector General of Tax Administration (TIGTA) Special Agent who served her with a cease and desist letter with respect to her use of an IRS-approved EA logo on her business card. NAEA was as troubled as anyone by this development. The government relations team reached out to IRS, asking for an explanation and clarification about the decision to prohibit use of the long-ago approved logo….

NAEA Comments on House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee Discussion Draft of Proposed Legislation to Reform IRS

On March 26, House Ways and Means Oversight Chairman Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) and Ranking Member John Lewis (D-GA) released a discussion draft of proposed legislation to reform the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and our tax administration system. According to the Oversight Subcommittee’s discussion draft summary, the “Taxpayer First Act” is the culmination of more than eleven Oversight Subcommittee hearings and roundtable discussions held during the last three years on different topics and with varying viewpoints on how to improve and…

NAEA Letter Regarding Concern over Recent Enforcement Actions by IRS

…Court petition simply to protect a client’s right to reply to a correspondence audit. Given the pattern our members have seen, we request that you investigate the timing of notices related to correspondence audits and make appropriate adjustments. Should you or a member of your staff wish to discuss particular cases, please contact our Senior Director, Government Relations, Robert Kerr. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Diana Thompson, EA President CC: National Taxpayer Advocate—Nina Olson…

NAEA Letter to House Ways and Means Regarding the OIC Provision in SAFETEA

May 19, 2005 Chairman William Thomas Ranking Member Charles Rangel House Ways and Means Committee 1102 Longworth House Office Building Washington, District of Columbia 20515 Dear Congressmen Thomas and Rangel, As president of the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA), I am writing to share with you our serious concern regarding a tax revenue offset proposal in the Senate’s Substitute Amendment 605 to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2005 (SAFETEA) and to ask you to remove…

NAEA Letter to Senate Finance Committee Regarding OIC Provisions in SAFETEA

May 17, 2005 Chairman Charles E. Grassley Ranking Member Max Baucus Senate Finance Committee 219 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, District of Columbia Dear Senators Grassley and Baucus, As president of the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA), I am writing to share with you our serious concern regarding a tax revenue offset proposal in Substitute Amendment 605 to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2005 (SAFETEA). My understanding is that one of the SAFETEA revenue offset…

Jon Hargis, EA

…California, with his partner. He works daily in the business resolving tax collection cases for his clients. He is a member of the National Association of Enrolled Agents, the California Society of Enrolled Agents, and became a National Tax Practice Institute™ (NTPI®) Fellow in 2019. Prior to his federal career, Jon held management positions in the private sector with several Fortune 500 companies. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education from California State University, Fresno, CA. He has…

Judge Mark V. Holmes

…Court of Federal Claims. He has practiced in New York as an associate, Cahill Gordon & Reindel (1983-85); Sullivan & Cromwell (1987-1991); served as clerk to the Hon. Alex Kozinski, Ninth Circuit (1985-87); and in Washington as Counsel to Commissioners, United States International Trade Commission (1991-96); Counsel, Miller & Chevalier (1996-2001); Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Tax Division (2001-03). Judge Holmes is a member of the American Bar Association (Litigation and Tax Sections). He was also appointed by President George W….