Leadership Summit

Shaping the future of tax preparation industry. Each year, nearly 100 of NAEA’s member leaders, including the national board of directors, committee members, and state affiliate presidents from nearly 40 states and regions, convene in Washington, D.C. to discuss and decide association affairs as they relate to issues facing our profession. At this multi-day event, participants have an opportunity to network soon after tax season and collect helpful news and information to take back to their local memberships. Important COVID-19…


Most Recent House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations Holds Hearing on IRS in the Pandemic October 7, 2020 Uniform Standards for Electronic Signatures April 1, 2020 NAEA Urges the IRS to follow Congresses’ lead on E-Signatures May 31, 2019 NAEA Member Phyllis Jo Kubey, EA, CFP, Testifies Before the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight at a Hearing Focused on IRS Reform July 26, 2018 NAEA Government Relations Committee Chair Jennifer MacMillan, EA, Testifies Before House…

Support the Profession

You have a voice. NAEA makes sure it gets heard.   Enrolled agents (EAs) are the reason NAEA exists—and we are the only association dedicated to EAs. We advocate for them in the halls of Congress, at the IRS, and at the state level. We are deeply involved in legislative, regulatory, and tax administration issues and we: Reach out to members through our standing advocacy committee and through social media, including NAEA’s members-only Facebook page, to understand member needs in…

Who We Are

More about NAEA: NAEA’s board of directors leverages the association’s unique value proposition to benefit the public interest, members, and the profession. NAEA is the nation’s leading community for anyone—from students to experts with decades of experience—along the tax professional spectrum. NAEA consists of volunteer groups and staff working together to achieve the association’s objectives….