NAEA Partners with the National Association of Registered Social Security Analysts

NAEA has partnered with The National Association of Registered Social Security Analysts, the nation’s leading membership organization for accountants and advisors engaged in Social Security advisory. If you want to learn more about Social Security to better serve clients, the RSSA eLearning program is for you. If you want to learn more about Social Security to better serve clients, the RSSA eLearning program is for you. Get started or learn more.

The RSSA eLearning program is a 5-module Social Security education program with software training.  After completing the educational program and passing the national RSSA Competency final exam, advisors are well positioned to help existing and prospective clients with their Social Security planning needs. This training program is approved by the IRS, NASBA, CFP® Board, and Broadridge Fi360 Solutions for CE credits.  Advisors learn how to help clients save hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional Social Security benefits that they have earned and are entitled to.  

Training Features

  • Offers an intensive self-study Social Security education, created for accountants and advisors who want to take a deeper dive into the nuances of Social Security and learn how to help clients maximize their lifetime Social Security benefits. 
  • Learn Social Security strategies & law, how to use specialized software to maximize clients’ Social Security benefits while earning 10 continuing education credits for Enrolled Agents and PTIN holders by the IRS, and 15.5 CPE credits for CPAs by NASBA. 
  • After completing the educational program and passing the national RSSA Competency final exam, advisors are well positioned to help existing and prospective clients with their Social Security planning needs as an RSSA expert Social Security advisor. 


For the most current program outline, visit RSSA.

RSSA Module 1

Module I: Social Security Benefits

  • Chapter 1: Getting Started with Social Security
  • Chapter 2: Social Security Benefits
  • Chapter 3: Family and Dependent Benefits
  • Chapter 4: Claiming Considerations
RSSA Module 2

Module II: Social Security Advanced Topics

  • Chapter 1: Pensions and Social Security
  • Chapter 2: Taxation of Social Security Benefits
  • Chapter 3: Disability
  • Chapter 4: Medicare
RSSA Module 3

Module III: Comprehensive Retirement Planning

  • Chapter 1: The Big Picture
  • Chapter 2: Taxation of Retirement Income
  • Chapter 3: Social Security & Retirement Case Studies
  • Chapter 4: The Future of Social Security
RSSA Module 4

Module IV: Working with Clients

  • Chapter 1: Social Security Income Planning
  • Chapter 2: Introduction to Working with Clients
  • Chapter 3: Self-Employed Business Owners
  • Chapter 4: Working with Self-Employed Clients
RSSA Module 5

Module V: Social Security Software Case Studies

  • Chapter 1: Emma & James Hart, Married
  • Chapter 2: Trent Banks, Single
  • Chapter 3: Amy Lee, Widowed
  • Chapter 4: Penny Watson, Divorced
  • Chapter 5: Luis & Selena Garcia, Married with a Pension
  • Chapter 6: Nathan & Meg Ford, Married with Disabled Adult Child (DAC), Oliver

What is the RSSA Program? 

RSSA is the only Social Security Program with software training approved by the IRS, NASBA, and CFP Board for CPE/CE credits. This course will teach you everything you need to know about offering expert Social Security advisory services as a new service to your clients. 

Become a Social Security Expert

There is a tremendous demand for professionals that understand Social Security. More than 70 million Baby Boomers will collect Social Security. They will need personalized answers. As a Registered Social Security Analyst, you can help clients potentially gain tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in incremental Social Security income. Take advantage of this smart opportunity and get started with your training today. 

How can the RSSA Program help your practice?

Learn to help your clients maximize their Social Security benefits; often resulting in tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional retirement income. You’ll learn how to use sophisticated Social Security maximization software that generates a custom report for you to review with your clients.  Expert Social Security advisory is an outstanding way to enhance the relationship with your existing clients, differentiate yourself from your competitors, and to acquire new clients. 

NAEA members can access this new member benefit here.