Join us for NAEA’s Biggest Event of the Year!
Salt Lake City, UT | July 28 – 30, 2025
Early bird pricing ends 2/28/2025!
Make your voice heard during NAEA’s Capitol Hill Fly-In from May 13-14, 2025!
Join the NAEA community of enrolled agents at NAEA Tax Summit from July 28–30, 2025, at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City! This event is perfect for learning the latest in tax and representation.
Date: January 18th 1:00 – 2:00pm ET Speakers: Jeff Trinca, JD and Thad Inge, JD Free to All On this webinar, hear from NAEA’s lobbyists about their advocacy work with the IRS, Congress, and other regulatory agencies. Get a behind the scenes look at what is happening on Capitol Hill and how it could affect you, your practice, and your clients.
Date: January 18th, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM ET Speaker: Sandra R. Turner ERPA, CPC, QPA Price: $20 This 2-hour session will increase your awareness of the various types of retirement plans and how they can benefit your clients, depending on entity type, size, net profits, and their personal goals. Sandra’s vision is for ALL tax preparers, especially those with business clients, to be completely aware of how a retirement...
Date: January 19th 2:00 – 4:00pm ET CE: 2 (For attending the live event only) Speakers: Alan Pinck, EA, & Clarice Landreth, EA Price: $60 Members | $100 Non-members Join NTPI Instructors to review a case study from NTPI Level 2 and get the chance to ask real time questions you are facing in your representation practice to the experts! On-demand NTPI Level 2 purchasers get access for free to...
Date: January 20th 1:00 – 4:00pm ET Speaker: Francis X. Degan, EA, USTCP Price: Free for CTSEA members and 1 guest | $30 for Non-members, additional guest, and NAEA members who are not members of CTSEA Tax Year 2021 Federal Update: Statutory and administrative law changes, IRS guidance, CARES Act, ARP, Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act and 2021 IRS tax forms.
Salt Lake City, UT | July 28 – 30, 2025
Early bird pricing ends 2/28/2025!