Growing the next generation of tax professionals.
The Schuldiner/Smollan Leadership Academy (SSLA) is named for the two primary forces behind the creation of the National Association of Enrolled Agents; Syd Schuldiner, EA, served as NAEA’s first president in 1972 and David Smollan, EA, served as the second president in 1973. Both were instrumental in establishing the founding chapter dedicated to enrolled agents in Los Angeles, CA, which eventually became NAEA. In 1987, Schuldiner received the NAEA Founders Award.
Upon his passing in 2006, Syd Schuldiner left a significant gift to NAEA in the name of David Smollan, EA. In keeping with Schuldiner’s desire to strengthen the organization, the board of directors used his bequest to establish the Schuldiner/Smollan Memorial Fund and to launch the Schuldiner/Smollan Leadership Academy. The Leadership Academy trains volunteers for success as leaders of NAEA at the local, state, and national levels.
In an intimate setting that delivers true personal attention, SSLA provides organizational training in a variety of areas that are essential to both a member’s and NAEA’s success.