NNEcEA Chapter: Annual State & Federal Update – Virtual

Presenters: Cory P. Ratner, EA; Amy M. Winters; James Whitehouse; Joe McCarthy, CPA; Lorraine Kearn, EA CE: 4 IRS Price: $50 for Members | $100 for Nonmembers Join us for an engaging virtual session starting with essential state updates for New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. Following the updates, we’ll dive into three in-depth education sessions designed to enhance your practice with valuable knowledge on critical tax topics.   Register

ADP Accountant Connect Demo: Drive Efficiency & Fuel Advisory

As the business landscape evolves, your clients increasingly depend on you as their trusted advisor. Join this webinar for an exclusive demo tailored for NAEA members, where you can discover how ADP Accountant Connect can enhance your productivity and enable you to engage in meaningful conversations with your clients. This free, award-winning platform is designed to prepare your clients for whatever comes next. We will cover: How ADP Accountant Connect...