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MNcEA Chapter: Introduction to Trusts, Estates, and Form 1041

Time: Nov. 20 2:00 - 6:00 PM | Nov. 21 2:00 - 6:00 PM Speaker: Jaye E. Tritz, EA, CFP CE: 8 IRS Price: $200 for Members | $275 for Nonmembers This course offers a concise overview of the key concepts in trusts and estate planning. Participants will learn essential tools for asset protection and effective estate management. Ideal for anyone looking to understand trust and estate administration. Register

2024 November Virtual Roundtable for EA’s Living in Europe

Price: Free for Members Join NAEA for a Virtual Roundtable for EAs living in Europe. Join your fellow EAs for an open discussion on key issues and challenges you’re facing during this tax season and in your practice. Register

S Corporations and Compensation in Spanish (1 CE)

Speaker: Ruben D. Valdes, EA, USTCP CE: 1 IRS/CTEC Este seminario dirigido por un instructor explica de forma detallada el concepto de Compensación Razonable en pequeñas empresas con un enfoqueen las Corporaciones S. La sesión cubrirá los factores que se debenconsiderar para determinar una compensación justa y razonable para accionistas-empleados conforme a los requisitos del IRS, además de losriesgos de clasificaciones incorrectas de distribuciones, dividendos u otras formas de compensación...

2024 November Virtual Roundtable

Join NAEA on the last Thursday of every month for a member-only open roundtable discussion on the latest tax topics and best practices with tax industry experts. Register