Oklahoma Society of Enrolled Agents OKC Annual Seminar

Date of Event: 10/29/24 to 10/30/24 Event Start and End Times: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm each day Event Type: In-Person Conference Speaker(s): Randy Adams, EA; Melinda Garvin, EA Description: Join us in person or online at the OSEA Oklahoma City Annual Seminar where you will be able to earn up to 16 CE units from various engaging speakers. Current schedule of events is available at the OSEA website https://www.eaok.org...

TaxAct Demo

During this webinar, Sean Taylor – Director of Sales, will provide attendees with a demo of TaxAct Professional and answer any questions you may have about the software. If you are interested in seeing our software’s flow or are thinking about switching software’s in time for TY24, you won’t want to miss this virtual event. Register below to attend. We look forward to hosting your soon! Register

Reasonable Compensation Horror Stories – Sponsored by RCReports (1 CE)

CE: 1 IRS/CTEC Speakers: Eric Green, Dawn Brolin, Tom Gorczynski, EA, USTCP; and Paul Hanman Price: Free for Members | $50 for Nonmembers Reasonable compensation is one of the most misunderstood topics in the tax realm, but it can have very real, very large implications on your clients and your firm. If you work with S Corps, you have a duty of care to ensure your clients are taking appropriate...