VASEA Education & Practice Management Seminar

Date: Tuesday, October 25th 8:30 – 4:30 PM EST Speakers: Bob Brammer, Eric Duncan, LuSandra Everett, Patrick Knightly, Vaughan Long, Carol May, and Knox Wimberly Price: $125 for VASEA Members | $250 for nonmembers CE: 3 Cyber Security - Vaughan Long, EA (1 HR CE/CPE) IRS Communications in the New Era - Knox Wimberly EA (1 HR CE/CPE) Entities: Are you still a Schedule C? Should You Be? When to...

S-Corporations Certificate Program: Introduction to S-Corps

Date: Tuesday, October 25th 2:00 – 4:00 PM EST Speaker: Iris K. Palma, J.D; Thomas J. Williams, EA Full S-Corps Certificate Program: $200 for NAEA Members | $360 for nonmembers CE: 2 Upon receiving an approved IRS election, the S-corporation tax classification allows the taxpayer to pass through its income, expenses, credits, and losses to the shareholders. In this presentation, we will provide a review of essential elements and limitations....