
LEARN: Pittsburgh

Date: September 25 - 27, 2022 Registration Prices: Early Bird Registration: $350 for NAEA members | $650 for non-members Regular Registration: $550 for NAEA members | $850 for non-members Late Registration: $650 for NAEA members | $1,050 for non-members CE: 10 CE (8 IRS CE + 2 Ethics CE) Join NAEA from September 25th – 27th, 2022 in Pittsburgh, PA for the very first LEARN event. These two-day educational events...

LSEA End of Summer Session 2022

Date: Tuesday, September 27th 8:00 AM – 3:40 PM EST Speakers: David l. Mellem, EA, NTPI Fellow and Jeffrey A. Schnedier, EA, CTRS, ACT-E, NTPI Fellow Price: Early Bird special (ends 8/31/22): $350 LSEA members, $400 nonmembers; Regular registration (after 8/31/22); $400 LSEA members, $450 nonmembers CE: 16 CE and 2 Ethics CE Join Louisiana Society of Enrolled Agents for 16 hrs of LIVE, IN-PERSON , and IRS approved Continuing...


Date: Tuesday, September 27th 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST Speakers: Marc Dombrowski, EA, Gary Skop, EA, Dan Bosler, EA, Steve Rainey, EA, Kevin Kaye, Paul Erikson, Robert Mulcahy Price: $350 to NAEA Members | $375 for non-members CE: 16 Day 2 will have two different breakout rooms to cover topics of 1040 Schedule A Itemized Deductions: Medical Contributions, Gambling, Taxes, Interest, Casualty/ Theft, K-2 and K, Miscellaneous, SEP/ Simple/...

Schuldiner/Smollan Leadership Academy

Date: Tuesday, September 27th 8:00 – 5:00 PM EST Speakers: TBD Price: $50 to NAEA Members CE: TBD The Leadership Academy trains volunteers for success as leaders of NAEA at the local, state, and national levels.