
AccountingWEB Live Summit

Date: Monday, May 9th at 4:30 PM EST – Thursday, May 12 at 12:30 PM EST Speakers: Alison Ball, Amanda Lilley, Andrew Wall, Bill Carlino, Billie Anne Grigg, Blake Oliver, Carrie Stemke, Cavanaugh Nweze, Christian Sledd, Clayton Oates, Darren Guillot, Dawn Brolin, Doug Sleeter, Ed Kless, Eric Green, Eric Pierre, Ford Baker, Geni Whitehouse, Heather Satterley, Ignatius L. Jackson, Jim Robnett, Jina Etienne, Jonathan Feniak, Joshua Lance, Kellie Parks, Kelly...

2022 May Solutions Room – Proper Tax Planning Impact on Student Loan Repayment and Forgiveness

Date: Thursday, May 12th 4:00 – 5:00 PM EST Speaker: Fred Amrein Price: Free to NAEA Members | $50 for non-members CE: 1 As student debt becomes a bigger piece of the financial future for many Americans, tax preparers can become an integral part in the solution. With over 54% of student debt dollars being repaid using Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) methods, managing tax filing options and AGI becomes a critical...