
AccountingWEB Live Summit

Date: Monday, May 9th at 4:30 PM EST – Thursday, May 12 at 12:30 PM EST Speakers: Alison Ball, Amanda Lilley, Andrew Wall, Bill Carlino, Billie Anne Grigg, Blake Oliver, Carrie Stemke, Cavanaugh Nweze, Christian Sledd, Clayton Oates, Darren Guillot, Dawn Brolin, Doug Sleeter, Ed Kless, Eric Green, Eric Pierre, Ford Baker, Geni Whitehouse, Heather Satterley, Ignatius L. Jackson, Jim Robnett, Jina Etienne, Jonathan Feniak, Joshua Lance, Kellie Parks, Kelly...

2022 Quarterly Government Relations Update

Date: Wednesday, May 11 4:00 – 5:00 PM EST Speakers: Thad Inge, JD and Jeff Trinca, JD Price: Free to All CE: N/A On this webinar, hear from NAEA's lobbyists about all the new and exciting items they are working on to advance the EA industry. Get on the ground information about what is happening on Capitol Hill and how it could affect you, your practice, and your clients.