Join us for NAEA’s Biggest Event of the Year!
Salt Lake City, UT | July 28 – 30, 2025
Early bird pricing EXTENDED to 3/14/2025!
Speaker: Marc Dombrowski, EA
Price: $60 for Members | $120 for Nonmembers
Mark your calendars for our upcoming webinar, Representation for All: Intro to Collections, happening on September 4 at 2 PM ET. Our webinars are designed to help grow your practice and advance your expertise. Stay tuned for additional details and registration information. We look forward to seeing you there!
This webinar is part of a series designed to introduce you to representation. If you are interested in specializing in representation, this is a great place to start and then advance into the National Tax Practice Institute® (NTPI) program. Learn more about the National Tax Practice Institute® (NTPI) and what becoming an NTPI Fellow means!
Not a member yet? Become part of NAEA today to unlock access to this and a host of other exclusive benefits. Discover new opportunities, expand your knowledge, and elevate your career with NAEA!