Join us for NAEA’s Biggest Event of the Year!
Salt Lake City, UT | July 28 – 30, 2025
Early bird pricing ends 2/28/2025!
Date: Friday, 3:00 PM EST October 28th – Monday, 12:00 PM EST October 31
Speaker: Various
Price: $525 for NAEA/ NYSSEA Members | $699 for non-members
CE: Up to 17 CE
Join us, October 28-31, 2022, at the beautiful Turning Stone Resort and Casino! We have an all-star group of presenters and education topics, along with lots of time for networking and FUN.
NYSSEA President Phyllis Jo Kubey, EA, CFP; Sherrill Trovato, EA, USTCP; and Robert Kerr, EA will kick off the conference Friday evening with a panel discussion on Ethics in the Real Tax World. We welcome Frank Degen, EA, USTCP (Defending Schedule C Items on a Form 1040); Brad Messner, EA (Schedule E and Entity Selection); Matt Metras, EA (Day Traders and a Crypto Update), Katrina Haynes, CPA (Foreign Pensions and Annuities; FATCA and FBAR; Foreign Tax Credit); and Frank Lin, EA, CPA discussing inventory and COGS, and some advanced issues for Partnerships and S-corps. Our dynamic duo team of Frank Degen and Sherrill Trovato present Appeals and Tax Court Petitions; Sherrill will also speak on the dos and don’ts of engagement letters; and Bob Kerr offers guidance on onboarding and educating those clients with record-keeping issues. But wait, there’s more. Megan Killian, NAEA’s EVP, joins us as our keynote speaker. Frank Lin offers a complimentary practice management session. We’ll have free assistance with your challenging representation/resolution issues at our Tax Help Desks. And Henry Grabkowitz, EA will give a special Monday morning presentation on the latest info on PTET.
And, then, there’s food and fun! Your conference registration includes the Friday evening welcome reception; breakfasts, lunches and breaks; the Sunday evening gala with cocktail party and dinner. Saturday dinner is on your own, but we’ll have a grEAt group activity planned. Our annual auction and many prize raffles promise many winning experiences.
We’re excited to see you! Renew old friendships and make new ones!