Join us for NAEA’s Biggest Event of the Year!
Salt Lake City, UT | July 28 – 30, 2025
Speaker: Alice Orzechowski, EA, CPA
Price: Free for Members | $60 for Nonmembers
Form 4797 is the Swiss Army knife of tax forms—a wide variety of entirely different transactions are reported on this form, most of which involve the disposition of business assets. In this session, we will analyze each section of Form 4797 in detail as we work hands-on to correctly enter the sale(s) of asset(s) in the appropriate section. Code Sections 1231, 1245, 1250, and 197 will be discussed, along with how to properly enter the transaction in your tax software.
Learning Objectives:
As part of NAEA’s Free CE offerings for members, this webinar provides valuable education at no cost. Not a member yet? Become part of NAEA today to unlock access to this and a host of other exclusive benefits. Discover new opportunities, expand your knowledge, and elevate your career with NAEA!