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Olson, the voice of the taxpayer within IRS and before Congress, to give plenary speech July 30, 2018 in Las Vegas, NV
Washington, D.C. — The National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA), the organization that represents 55,000 federally-licensed tax professionals, has announced that National Taxpayer Advocate, Nina Olson, will deliver the plenary address at the NAEA National Conference (#NAEANatCon), the premier education event for tax professionals.
Ms. Olson leads the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS), an independent organization inside IRS that works for systemic change and helps taxpayers resolve their problems with the agency. Under her leadership, the National Taxpayer Advocate’s Annual Report to Congress has become an important vehicle for change. IRS has implemented hundreds of recommendations she has made for administrative change. Members of Congress have introduced bills to implement dozens of her recommendations for legislative change, and 15 of them have been enacted into law.
“Given the magnitude of the challenges facing IRS today, Ms. Olson’s work is, perhaps, more critical now than at any other time during her tenure,” said NAEA Executive Vice President Robert Kerr, EA. “We look forward to hearing her thoughts and to sharing with her, important perspectives from America’s tax experts who work closely with IRS personnel on a daily basis.”
Ms. Olson is expected to touch on a range of issues during her speech, including protecting taxpayer rights, the prospect of establishing minimum standards for return preparers, and/or urgent systemic challenges at IRS that are of particular interest or concern to TAS.
NAEA’s National Conference is an annual event that attracts more than 600 tax practitioners from across the country for best-in-class continuing tax education. This year’s event will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada from July 30 – August 1. Visit the event website for more information or to register for the conference.